Academic Advising
The professional Academic Advising Office staff empowers students during their academic pursuits and journey towards a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Health Sciences; Nutrition: Applied Health Sciences; Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences; Exercise Science; Environmental Health and Safety; or Wellness and Health Promotion. Our staff works in collaboration with the student to achieve their overall academic, graduation, and career goals in purpose for health.
For information about scholarships, student organizations and helpful links, please visit our Student Resources page.
To accommodate the needs of all students, we deliver services both in-person and remotely. To schedule your appointment, contact the advising office at (248) 370-2369.
Our goal is to empower students as they plan and prepare for the next few years at Oakland University. Below are actions you should be taking as an SHS student to stay focused on the finish line — graduation.
First Year: Schedule an academic advising appointment with the First Year Advising Center. We also suggest that you explore connecting with student organizations to get involved.
Second Year: Schedule a one-on-one degree planning meeting with an SHS academic adviser. We'll encourage you to decide on what area you would like to study and commit to a major. Consider joining an academic organization, networking with other students and possibly job shadowing.
Third Year: Start preparation for professional school exams and possibly complete a professional exam. Consider job shadowing. Schedule a graduation audit with an SHS academic adviser.
Fourth Year: Apply to professional programs and job shadow. Plan at least two semesters in advance for graduation audits. Also, remember that there is an application deadline for graduation. Plan for grad school.
- Carefully read information on your chosen major, specialization, concentration, minor, etc.
- Understand all of the requirements for your chosen major and all university requirements outlined in your Undergraduate Catalog.
- Remember that some programs are competitive and admission may not be guaranteed.
- Requirements for competitive programs vary. As a student, it is your responsibility to make sure that you understand the requirements, application procedures, deadlines, etc. for the competitive programs.
- You should also keep in touch with SHS academic advising staff for regular updates and schedule an appointments at least once a year
Welcome to the School of Health Sciences. The School of Health Sciences provides a supportive and inclusive environment for students, faculty, staff and partners across a broad array of health interests. Through exciting clinical and community-based opportunities, we pursue innovative learning, meaningful service and vibrant research endeavors in health and wellness. No matter your goals, a degree from the School of Health Sciences prepares you for a wide range of career paths. Identify your career choice through the SHS foundational model. From the SHS Academic Advising team, welcome to the School of Health Sciences!
Visit the New SHS Students website to meet your SHS academic adviser.
Current students are required to schedule an academic advising appointment at least once a year. Students who are looking to graduate should schedule a graduation audit at least two semesters prior to graduation. All graduation audits and transcript reviews require a scheduled academic advising appointment.
To schedule an appointment (virtual, phone, or face to face), contact the SHS Advising office at (248) 370-2369.
The degree plans are suggested schedules designed for incoming freshmen to stay on track for graduation. Keep in mind that all students are required to follow any prerequisite requirements for every course.
Health Sciences
A Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences (HS) degree combines basic sciences, social sciences and health science courses for students who desire a generalized, health-focused academic experience. Students choose an academic concentration area to obtain greater exposure to a specific health discipline.
Concentration Areas:
Holistic Health | Pre-health Professional Studies | Pre-pharmacy
Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies
A Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies offers an opportunity to acquire health expertise across disciplines that allow students to pursue a health science degree that extends beyond training for direct clinical care provision. This degree positions students to pursue job opportunities in a variety of supportive and non-clinical positions in healthcare.
Interdisciplinary Healthcare Studies
Nutrition (NTR) is an interdisciplinary field with three primary areas of focus: community nutrition (or public health), food service management, and clinical (medical) nutrition. The Bachelor of Science in Nutrition emphasizes the relationship between diet, nutrition, food access and health status.
Degree and specialization:
Nutrition | Dietetics
Applied Health Sciences
The Applied Health Sciences (AHS) program is designed to allow students to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree by combining courses from the university curriculum with specific Associate of Applied Sciences (AAS) degrees from accredited community colleges. The two-plus-two degree completion program allow students to readily transfer course credits from accredited two-year community colleges.
2-Year Degree Completion Program:
Health Care Leadership Track | Health Promotion Track l Orthotics and Prosthetics l Radiologic Technology
Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences
The Clinical and Diagnostic Sciences (CDS) program is designed to prepare students for professional opportunities in a variety of growing healthcare fields. In response to emerging technologies, many areas of specialization have evolved that ensure the expertise of the healthcare personnel fulfilling critical roles.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography l Histotechnology | Medical Laboratory Science | Radiologic Technology | Nuclear Medicine Technology | Pre-clinical Professions | Pre-pharmacy Sciences | Pre-Physician Assistant | Medical Laboratory Sciences Combined Program
Exercise Science
The Exercise Science (EXS) program offers a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, pre-physical therapy concentration, and a minor in exercise science, as well as elective courses for students interested in the relationship among physical activity, weight control, disease prevention, stress management and nutrition for optimal health and performance.
Degree, specialization and concentration:
Exercise Science | Orthotist and Prosthetist Assistant Studies | Pre-Physical Therapy | Exercise Science Combined Program
Environmental Health and Safety
The Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) program is multi-disciplinary in nature, providing students with relevant exposure to environmental health, occupational safety and industrial hygiene concepts through natural sciences, behavioral sciences and experiential learning opportunities.
Environmental Health and Safety | Environmental Health and Safety / Management Combined Program
Public Health (previously Wellness and Health Promotion)
The Public Health (PH) program prepares students for an impactful career improving the health and well-being of your community and our world with a degree in public health. As a public health professional, you will focus on proactive, preventative measures – striving to reduce the risk of illness, injury or disease in populations even before it occurs – through community engagement, programming, research, policy, health behavior and more.
Wellness and Health Promotion (former) | Public Health Combined Program | Public Health (now enrolling)
School of Health Sciences
3070 Human Health Building
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-2369
[email protected]
Dean's Office
Human Health Building
(248) 370-3562
[email protected]