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Karen McGarry

Assistant Professor of Art Education
Department of Teacher Development and Education Studies

Lecturer in Art
Department of Art and Art History

470E Pawley Hall
[email protected]

PhD, Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 2021
Marshella Shelly Sheets Harkness, Professor Emeritus, Dissertation Chair

M.A.A.E., Art Education/School of Art, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2011
Flávia M. C. Bastos, Master’s Advisor
State of Ohio Teaching License, P-12, Visual Art, 2011

MFA, Magna Cum Laude, University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois, 1994
Major: Studio Art
Minor: Women’s Studies

BFA, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, 1986

University Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor Art Education, Oakland University
AED 4120, Visual Culture: Theories in Art Education
AED 4320, Teaching Art at the Secondary Level
AED 4220, Teaching Art at the Elementary Level
ART 1002, Foundations of Studio Art 2-D Design

Adjunct, Art Education
ARTE 6032, Student Teaching Seminar
Saturday Art

Adjunct, Masters of Art Summer Graduate Program
Art Academy, of Cincinnati (AAC)
Masters Seminar

Adjunct, Art Education, California State University Long Beach
ART 300, Art, Adolescence, and the Child
ART 405, Aesthetics
ART 415, Service learning course
ART 401, Placement learning course

Adjunct, CAP Artist Educator, California Institute for the Arts
ART Artist’s Perspective on Foundations of Learning Theories

Foundations Instructor
Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Online Division
Drawing, Perspective, Color Theory

Art Instructor
Institute for Learning in Retirement, Miami University, OH
Art History Seminar with Professional Retirees

Visiting Artist
Dun Laoghaire College of Art, Dun Laoghaire, Ireland
National College of Art Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Adjunct, Art History (onsite & online instruction)
The New School University, New York
The Video Medium and the Domain of Art

K-12 Teaching Experience
Visual Arts and Humanities Teacher, gr. 9-12
Arroyo Pacific Academy, Arcadia, CA

Art Teacher, gr. 2-5
Creative World, Arcadia, CA

Visiting Artist (Volunteer), gr.
Foundations in Art, Highland Oaks Elementary School, Arcadia, CA

Visual Art Teacher, gr. 9-12
Bishop Fenwick High School, Franklin, OH

Yeck Fellow/Art Teacher, gr. 12
Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH

Art Teacher, gr. 4-6
Miami University, Oxford, OH
Basic Drawing and Drawing for Children

Peer Reviewed Publications
McGarry, K. (2021). A white palette gathering: A literature synthesis in one act. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 6(1), 103-131. https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/ari/index.php/ari/issue/view/1947

McGarry, K. (2019). Supporting the Arts as Disciplines of Learning [Review of the book The Role of the Arts in Learning: Cultivating Landscapes of Democracy, by Jay Michael Haynes and Eleanor Weisman]. Democracy & Education, 28(1), 1-3.

McGarry, K. (2019). Multitextual literacy in educational settings: Contextual analysis and the dab. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 4(2), 480-504.

McGarry, K. (2019). Reflexivity as a Process for Coming into Knowing. LEARNing Landscapes, 12, 155-170. https://www.learninglandscapes.ca/index.php/learnland/issue/view/44

McGarry, K. (2019). Stronger Together: Making STEAM Partnerships. CIRCE: Centre for Imagination in Research, Culture & Education (STEAM Edition), 92-101. 

McGarry, K. (2018). Making Partnerships With STEAM, Art Education, 71(2), 28-34. https://doi.org/10.1080/00043125.2018.1414535

Selected Conference Papers as Presenter
NAEA, New York, NY
Roundtable Discussion: Discussing New Directions in University-Level Art Education

ICQI, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, IL (Virtual)
18th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
Presentation: Published Paper - A White Palette Gathering: A Literature Synthesis in One Act

MWERA, Cincinnati, OH
Researching the Radical Possibilities of Arts-Based Research, co-presenter: Flavia Bastos, Ph.D.

Why They Persist: Urban STEM Teacher Stories, co-presenter: Helen Meyer, Ph.D.

InSEA International Congress, UBC, Vancouver, BC
Locating Reflexivity within Reflection and Textual Discourse Analysis

ICQI, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Locating Reflexivity within Reflection and Textual Discourse Analysis

UCET, Stratford-Upon-Avon, UK
Locating Reflexivity

NAEA Conference, Chicago
Visualizing and Making in an ELD Humanities Course
Integrating Art Through Practicum Partnerships in Teacher Preparation

NAEA Conference, San Diego
Contemplate, Create, Innovate

CAEA Conference, Irvine
House of Aesthetics/Visualizing Aesthetics for Pre-Service Art Education Students

CAEA Conference, Idyllwild, CA, & STEMx Online Conference
Contemplate, Create, Innovate

NAEA Conference, Baltimore
Elements & Principles of Art and Design/Retrofitting Language Use in Art Education

NAEA Conference, New York
Fostering an Art Education Toolbox

Awards and Honors
University of Cincinnati, OH
Graduate Incentive Scholarship Award (GIA)

University of Cincinnati, OH
Outstanding Graduate Student Award, GSGA
Director’s Choice Award, DAAP

OAEA (Ohio Art Education Association)
Scholarship Award Recipient

Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH
Yeck Teaching and Exhibition Fellowship

London School of Puppetry, London and Yorkshire, UK
Video History: Making Connections, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

Scholarship, Irish Arts Center, New York, 1999
Scholarship, Elynn Diamond Studio, New York, 1998
Community Arts Assistance Program (CAAP), Chicago, IL, 1994
Conference on Research on Women and Gender, The University of Illinois at Chicago, Paper/Presentation: "Women Artist's Only", 1993
Artist Advisory Board, Sculpture Chicago, Culture In Action, 1993
Oxbow Art School Fellowship, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1991
Union League Scholarship Award, 1992

Related Professional Experience
2020-2021 Facilitator, Anti-Racist Community Space, CECH Diversity Board’s monthly forum space devoted to building an inclusive community within CECH dedicated to anti-racism, College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology, University of Cincinnati, 2020-Present

2014-2017 Editor, The Painted Monkey, California Art Education Association newsletter, online publication four times annually

Professional Affiliation
International Society for Education through the Arts (InSEA)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
National Art Education Association (NAEA),
State Membership: Michigan Art Education Association (MAEA)
Past Affilliation: CAEA (California), OAEA (Ohio)
Brazee Street Studios, studio artist, Oakley, Cincinnati, OH, 2015-2019
Visionaries & Voices, Double Vision artist/volunteer, Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati Book Arts Society, CBAS, Cincinnati, OH
PTSA VP Legislation Advocate, 2012-14, First Avenue Middle School, Arcadia, CA
NAEA Student Chapter, Secretary, 2009-2010

Professional Development
2017 CT&L, Best Practices and professional development, University of Cincinnati, OH

2017 Arts Integration, Education Closet conferences

2016 MACAA Conference, DAAP, University of Cincinnati, OH

2014 Media Literacy, Museum of Tolerance, Los Angeles, CA, Center for Media Literacy

2013 Contemplate, Create, Innovate, curriculum model pilot program: STEM Academy, Hollywood, CA (Anne Uphoff, Art Teacher)

2012 CEM, Connected Educator Month online collaboration/discussion forum

2018 College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services: Graduate Student and Faculty Research Mentoring Grant, STEM Teacher Persistence in Urban Schools, $1,000 – unfunded

2014 Mary McMullin Grant (NAEA #97305), Contemplate, Create, Innovate: An Alternative Art Education Learning Model, Funding request: $2,000 – unfunded

2010 Target Arts Award Grant: Madcap Puppets of Cincinnati, Funding request: $500 - funded 2010

Visual Arts Exhibition Selected History and Bibliography

Selected Exhibitions
2017-2021 Visual Reflection Journals – Arts-Based Dissertation Research, Cincinnati, OH

2019 The Art of Words – Exhibition, “Impossible Portfolios,” DAAP Library, UC
Patterns of Influence, The Painting Center, New York, NY

2018 Fashion, Gender & Image, Kennedy Heights Art Center, Cincinnati, OH

2017 Reused and Recycled, Brazee Street Studios, C-link Gallery, Oakley, OH
A Place to Call Home, Juried Exhibition, People Working Cooperatively, Cincinnati, OH

2016 10th Annual Ohio Online Visual Artists Registry Juried Exhibition, Columbus, OH
It’s a Trip, Lloyd Library and Museum, Cincinnati, OH
In, On, Of Paper, Paper Circle, Columbus, OH
Paperworks, Upstream Gallery, New York
Awakenings, Cincinnati, OH
Kennedy Heights Art Center Summer Juried Exhibition, Cincinnati, OH
C&D, Northside, Cincinnati, OH

2015-17 Double Vision, Visionaries and Voices, Cincinnati, OH

2013-17 Sketchbook Project/Art House Co-Op Projects, Brooklyn Art Library, NY

2013-14 CAEA Members Exhibition, Santa Ana College Gallery, CA

2013 Authors, Editors, & Composers, Russell C. Myers Alumni Center, University of Cincinnati, OH

2012 Inside the Box, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH
Surroundings, annual group show, Art in the Market space, Cincinnati, OH
Scarecrow Competition/Exhibition, Creative Arts Group, Sierra Madre, CA

2011 DAAP Works, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH – Director’s Choice Award,
Yeck Fellowship Exhibition, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH

2009 Faculty Exhibition, Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

2009-17 Bookworks 10, 17, 18, Cincinnati Public Library, Cincinnati, OH

2008 Group Show, Fitton Art Center, Hamilton, OH

Selected Bibliography
August 2016, 2017. Review of Bookworks 17 & 18, Aeqai http://aeqai.com/main/2016/08/bookworks-xvii-the-public-library-of-cincinnati-and-hamilton-county/

May, 2011. Review of Yeck Fellowship Exhibition, Dayton Daily News

May 28, 1996. “Darklight,” Irish Times

January 1996. “Freeze at ARTHOUSE,” Irish Times

Dalton, J. (May 1, 1998). Review

Oakland University Art, Art History and Design

310 West Wilson Hall
Rochester, MI 48309
(location map)
phone: (248) 370-3375
fax: (248) 370-3377