Meghan Harris, PhD, RN
Associate Professor
3048 Human Health Building
(248) 364-8762
[email protected]
Dr. Harris has clinical expertise in pediatric nursing while her research area has evolved from pediatric simulation in nursing education to patient safety and telehealth. Her recent work is focused on efforts to fund and implement telehealth in both simulation and clinical practice for nursing students. Dr. Harris is engaged in building community partner relationships in an effort to increase clinical opportunities for students and scholarly opportunities for faculty while increasing the depth and breadth of health care services to underserved populations.
Clinical Expertise
- Informatics
- Pediatric Nursing
- PhD in Nursing – Wayne State University
- BSN – University of Michigan
Research Area Interests
- Telehealth
- Patient Safety
- Informatics
- Simulation
Publications (Journal)
- Shamoun, C. & Harris, M. A. (2022). Impact of Stroke Survivors' Physical Disability on the Presence of Caregiver Burden: A Systematic Review. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, Publish Ahead of Print, doi: 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000651.
- Solecki, C., Turkelson, C. & Harris, M. A. (2021). Experiential learning through a dementia simulation. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. Accepted for publication.
- Harris, M., Pittiglio, L., Newton, S. & Moore, G. (2014). Using simulation to improve medication administration skills of undergraduate nursing students. Nursing Education Perspectives. 36(1):26-29. doi: 10.5480/11-552.1
- Fenske, C., Harris, M., Aebersold, M. & Hartman, L. (2013). Perception versus reality: A comparative study of the clinical judgment skills of nurses during a simulated activity. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 44(9):399-405. doi: 10.3928/00220124-20130701-67
- Newton, S. E., Harris, M. & Pittiglio, L. (2013). Constructivist philosophy and nursing student medication calculations. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice. 27(2):88-94. doi:
- Jaquith, B. & Harris, M. & Penprase. (2013). Cardiovascular disease risk in children and adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 28(3):258-266. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2012.11.003
- Penprase, B, Harris, M. & Qu, H. (2013). Academic success: Which factors contribute significantly to the pass/fail odds of NCLEX success for students? Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 3(7):1-8. doi: 10.5430/jnep.v3n7p1
- Penprase, B. & Harris, M. (2013). Accelerated second degree nursing students: Predictors of graduation and NCLEX-RN first-time pass rates. Nurse Educator. 38(1):26-29. doi: 1.01097/NNE.0b013e318276df16
- Harris, M. & Pittiglio, L. (2012). Simulation Clinical Competencies: High Stakes Evaluation of Performance. Abstract accepted for publication in the NLN Technology Conference Proceedings.
- Harris, M. (2011). Simulation enhanced pediatric clinical orientation. Journal of Nursing Education. 50(8):461-465. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20110429-05
- Pittiglio, L., Harris, M. & Mili, F. (2011) Development and evaluation of a 3-D virtual hospital unit: VI-MED. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 29(5), 267-271. doi: 10.1097/NCN.0bO13e318222ef46
- Newton, S., Moore, G., Harris, M. & Pittiglio, L. (2010). The effect of context on nursing student math aptitude. Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(6):341–345.
- Newton, S., Harris, M., Moore, G. & Pittiglio, L. (2009). Nursing math aptitude and success on a medication calculation assessment. Nurse Educator, 34(2), 80-83.
- Mili, F., Barr, J., Harris, M., & Pittiglio, L. (2008). Nursing Training: 3D Game with Learning Objectives. Paper published in proceedings of The First International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction, Sainte Luce, Martinique, 236-242.
- Barr, J., Mili, F., Pittiglio, l. & Harris, M. (2008). VI-MED: Fish-tank approach to nurse practical training. Paper published in proceedings of The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Computer-based Medical Systems, Jyväskylä, Finland, Paper 77.
- Naar-King, S., Arfken, C., Frey, M., Harris, M., Secord, E. & Ellis, D. (2006). Psychosocial factors and treatment adherence in pediatric HIV/AIDS. AIDS Care. 18(6): 621-628.
- Publications (Book Chapter)
- Harris, M. A. & Bauce, K. A. (2018). Using Text Reminder to Improve Childhood Immunization Adherence in the Philippines, Critique. In K. Bauce & J. J. Fitzpatrick (Eds.), Nursing research critiques: A model for excellence. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Harris, M. A. (2016). Nurse Workarounds. In J. J. Fitzpatrick & G. McCarthy (Eds.), Nursing concept analysis: Application to research and practice. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Harris, M. A. (2015). Simulation: Interprofessional. In M. J. Smith, R. Carpenter, & J. J. Fitzpatrick (Eds.), Encyclopedia of nursing education (337-340). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Harris, M. A. (2015). Simulation: Patient Safety. In M. J. Smith, R. Carpenter, & J. J. Fitzpatrick (Eds.), Encyclopedia of nursing education (342-345). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
- Presentations (Poster-Referred)
- Pittiglio, L., & Harris, M. (2012). VI-MED Simulation and Training System. Abstract submitted for presentation at The International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 3rd Annual Serious Games and Virtual Environment Showcase and Arcade, Orlando, Florida.
- Harris, M. & Penprase, B. (2012). Factors in an ASDN Program that Contribute to Success on the RN-NCLEX,Abstract accepted for a Poster Discussion Session at Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) 36thAnnual Research Conference, Detroit, MI.
- Harris, M. & Pittiglio, L. (2012). Medication Error Surveillance of Undergraduate Nursing Students in the Clinical Setting, Abstract accepted for Poster Presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) 36thAnnual Research Conference, Detroit, MI.
- Newton, S., Harris, M., Pittiglio, L., & Moore, G. (2011). Simulation technology, medication calculation, and theory development. Guaranteed Symposium at Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) 35thAnnual Research Conference, Columbus, OH.
- Harris, M. & Pittiglio, L. (2010, June). Developing simulation to bolster student competency with medication administration. Poster presented at the Drexel University Nursing Education Institute, Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Harris, M., Pittiglio, L., Newton, S., & Moore, G. (2010, May). Medication administration exam: Simulation as a new tool. Poster presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning: Student Engagement at Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
- Pittiglio, L., Harris, M. & Mili, F. (2008). VI-MED: Virtual Hospital Environment with Implications for Nursing Education. Poster presented at the Drexel University Nursing Education Institute, Atlantic City, NJ.
- Ketcham, P. & Harris. M. (2008). Facilitating Pediatric Clinical Orientation in a Simulation Laboratory. Poster presented at the 12th International Nursing Learning Resource Centers Conference, San Jose, CA.
- Harris, M. (2008). Teaching Innovation: Simulation creates an environment for nursing students to safely practice critical thinking. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual International Conference on Teaching and Learning: Creative & Critical Thinking at Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
- Harris, M., Pittiglio, L., & Mili, F. (2008). Simulating Critical Thinking in Nursing Education through gaming. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual International Conference on Teaching and Learning: Creative & Critical Thinking at Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
- Ketcham, P., Pittiglio, L., & Harris, M. (2007). Faculty Collaboration: A Key Strategy for the development & Use of Simulation Scenarios. Poster presented at AACN: Hot Topics Conference, Denver, CO.
- Presentations (Oral-Referred)
- Harris, M. A. (2018). Culture of Patient Safety and Bar Code Medication Compliance. Podium Presentation at Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals Nursing Research Conference, Clinton Township, MI.
- Harris, M. A. (2017). Bar Code Medication Administration Satisfaction, Compliance and Patient Safety Culture. Paper presented at Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) 41st Annual Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
- Harris, M. A. (2016). Nurse Workarounds. Presentation at Book Launching Event for Nursing concept analysis: Application to research and practice. Mount Saini Hospital, New York, NY.
- Harris, M. A. (2016). Nurse Workarounds. Presentation at Book Launching Event for Nursing concept analysis: Application to research and practice. New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY.
- Harris, M. A. (2015). Patient safety: Understanding compliance with bar code medication administration. Competitive Symposium at Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) 39th Annual Research Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- Pittiglio, L., & Harris, M. (2012). VI-MED Simulation and Training System. Abstract submitted for presentation at The International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 3rd Annual Serious Games and Virtual Environment Showcase and Arcade, Orlando, Florida.
- Newton, S., Harris, M., Pittiglio, L., & Moore, G. (2011). Simulation technology, medication calculation, and theory development. Guaranteed Symposium at Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) 35th Annual Research Conference, Columbus, OH.
- Pittiglio, L., Harris, M. & Mili, F. (2009). Design and effectiveness of a 3-D virtual hospital unit: A pilot study. Paper presented at the 40th Biennal Convention, Sigma Theta tau International, Indianapolis, IN.
- Harris, M. & Pittiglio, L. (2009). Technology enhanced presentation of diabetes across the lifespan. Paper presented at the Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning. Traverse City, MI.
- Pittiglio, L., Moore, G., Francisco, N., Harris, M., Ketcham, P., & Baker, D. (2008). Bringing simulation to life: A creative approach to promote critical thinking. Panel presentation at the 2nd Annual International Conference on Teaching and Learning: Creative & Critical Thinking at Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
- Presentations (Oral-Invited)
- Harris, M. A. (2017). Nurses Compliance with Bar Code Medication Administration and Patient Safety Culture. Invited Podium Presentation at Beaumont Health Nursing Research/Evidence Based Practice Conference, Livonia, MI.
- Harris, M. A. (2017). Nurse Workarounds in Bar Code Medication Administration to Enhance Patient Safety Culture. Invited Podium Presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International: Theta Psi Chapter Research Day, Rochester MI.
- Harris, M. A. (2015). Understanding Nurses’ Compliance with Bar Code Medication Administration. Invited Podium Presentation at Beaumont Health System Nursing Research Day, Troy, MI.
- Harris, M. A. (2014). Quality and Safety in a Technology Rich Health Care Environment. Keynote at the 6th International Nursing Management Conference, Bodrum, Turkey.
- Harris, M. (2011). Simulation in Nursing Education: Teaching and Research. Paper presented at Sigma Theta Tau International, Theta Psi Chapter meeting. Rochester, MI.
- Harris, M. & Pittiglio, L. (2009). Interdisciplinary Collaboration for an Online Learning Experience. Paper presented at NCLC Online Brown Bag Series, Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
- Grants
- Nurse Faculty Loan Program. (2022) Harris, M. A. Health Resources and Services Administration. Pending $291,636.
- Nurse Faculty Loan Program. (2021) Harris, M. A. Health Resources and Services Administration. Pending $289,728.
- Nurse Faculty Loan Program. (2020) Harris, M. A. Health Resources and Services Administration. Awarded $175,421.
- Academic-Practice Partnership Demonstration Projects. (2019) Harris, M. A. & Munyan, K. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Grants and Purchasing. $85,000, Not funded.
- Nurse Faculty Loan Program. (2018) Harris, M. A. & Munyan, K. Health Resources and Services Administration. Awarded $123, 457.
- Pilot Research, School of Nursing, Oakland University (2014). Understanding Nurse Workarounds with Bar Code Medication Administration Systems. Harris, M. A. Funded $3,500.
- Faculty Development Program, School of Nursing, Oakland University (2014). Understanding Nurse Workarounds with Bar Code Medication Administration Systems. Harris, M. A. Funded $10,625.
- Health Information Technology Scholars (HITS) Program. (2012). Development of Simulation-based Clinical Competencies. Harris, M. & Pittiglio, L. Funded.
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Evaluating Innovations in Nursing Education. (2011). Optimizing Nursing Faculty Resources through Implementation of Virtual Reality Simulation (VI-MED) Pittiglio, L., Harris, M., Mili, F., Wagner, C. & McEneaney. $276,600, Not funded.
- Department of Health and Human Services, NIH. (2011). Advances in Patient Safety through Simulation Research (R18), Nursing Training through Simulation for Reducing Medication Errors. Mili, F., Pittiglio, L., Harris, M., McEneaney, J., Wagner, C., & Qu, Q. $1,044,219, Not funded.
- Collaborative Research Award, School of Health Sciences/School of Nursing. (2011). “Drum Majors” Needs Assessment: A Child Obesity Prevention Initiative in the Faith-based Communities of Detroit. Lucarelli, J., Wren, P., Dallo, F., Hew, T., Jackson, F., Harris, M. & Woodson, R. Funded $6,000.
- National League of Nursing, The NLN Nursing Education Research Grants (2011). From Simulation in Nursing Education to Student’s Performance at the bedside. Harris, M. & Pittiglio, L. $6,830, Not funded.
- Department of Health and Human Services, NIH. (2010). Advances in Patient Safety through Simulation Research (R18), Health Education Research, Simulation and Training for Improving Patient Safety. Wagner, C., Mili, F., McEneaney, J., Harris, M., & Pittiglio, L. $954,123, Not funded.
- Faculty Research Award, University Research Committee, Oakland University (2009). Simulation: A Medication Administration Teaching Innovation. Harris, M., Pittiglio, L., Newton, S. & Moore, G. Funded $1,200.
- e-Learning Online Course Stipend, Oakland University (2009). NRS 228, Pediatric Pathophysiology Online Course Stipend from OU e-Learning. Harris, M., Pittiglio, L. & Jackson, F. Funded, $750.
- Course Enhancement Funding, Senior Associate Provost Office for Undergraduate Education, Oakland University (2008). Diabetes Across the Life Span. Harris, M., Pittiglio, L. & Baker, D. Funded $1250.
- Board of Visitors, School of Nursing, Oakland University (2007). VI-MED: Virtual hospital environment for nursing education. Harris, M. & Pittiglio, L. Funded, $6.000.
- Faculty Research Fellowship, University Research Committee, Oakland University (2007). Pediatric simulation in nursing education: A pilot study. Harris, M. Funded, $8,500.
- Banfield Charitable Trust (2007). Teacher’s pet: Kids and dogs learning together. Johnson, A. & Harris, M. Funded, $10,000.
- Planet Dog (2007). Teacher’s pet: Kids and dogs learning together. Johnson, A. & Harris, M. Funded, $5,000.
- Board of Visitors, School of Nursing, Oakland University (2006). Teacher’s pet: Kids and dogs learning together. Johnson, A. & Harris, M. Funded, $5,000.
- Other Scholarly Work
- Telehealth Simulation in Community Health Program Improvement. (2022) Harris, M. A., Cameron, P. & Munyan, K. Oakland University. No Funding.
- Experiences of providers conducting patient care visits via telehealth during COVID-19. (2020) Munyan, K. & Harris, M. A. Oakland University. Not Funding.
- Telehealth: Academic-Practice Partnership (2020). Harris, M.A. & Munyan, K. Detroit Medical Center. $110,100, Not funded.
- Further Understanding Nurse Workarounds with Bar Code Medication Administration Systems. (2015) Harris, M. A. Beaumont Health System. No Funding.
Professional Affiliations
- Midwestern Nursing Research Association
- Sigma Theta Tau International
- Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing
- National League for Nursing
School of Nursing
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733
[email protected]
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.