Julie Kruse, PhD, RN
Human Health Building, Room 2003
Phone: (248) 364-8719
[email protected]
Dr. Kruse has participated in five HRSA funded grant projects over the past 16 years related to diversifying the nursing workforce. She is the current Project Director for a newly funded (July 2021) 4-year $2,195,252 HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity (NWD) grant project (#D1942040) entitled ASPIRE (Achieving Success through Professionalism, Integrity, Resilience, and Engagement). The purpose of this grant is to increase nursing progression and graduation rates and retention in practice for students who are from diverse and/or disadvantaged backgrounds--specifically those from racial and ethnic minorities underrepresented among RNs.
Dr. Kruse has over 16 years of experience as a nurse educator and has dedicated her career to working with underserved populations. She currently serves as an inaugural member of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Network and is the Chairperson of the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) Public Health Nursing Section.
Dr. Kruse has disseminated research and scholarly activities at 44 local, state, national, or international organizational conferences or events (20 by invitation). She was the principal or co-investigator for over 8.5 million dollars in grant funding.
- PhD in Nursing – University of Michigan
- MS in Community Care Nursing – University of Michigan
- Certificate in Nursing Education – University of Michigan
- Certificate in International Health and Social Development – University of Michigan
- BSN – Lourdes College
- Nursing Diploma – St. Vincent School of Nursing
Research Area Interests:
- Assessment and Evaluation Processes
- Cultural Development
- International Health and Social Development
- Implicit Bias
- Mentorship & Preceptorship in Nursing Education
- Nursing Workforce Diversity
- Nursing Student Retention
- Population Health Nursing
- Sense of Belonging & Social Support: The Impact on Mental Health
- Underserved Populations
Kruse, J. A., Podojil-Kostecki, P., & Smith, B. (2024). Living With the Aftermath: The Second Victim Experience Among Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists. AANA journal, 92(3), 173–180.
Kruse, J. A., & Wald, H. S. (2023). Legacy of the Role of Medicine and Nursing in the Holocaust: An Educational Intervention to Support Nursing Student Professional Identity Formation and Ethical Conduct. Lancet, Supplement C: Curricular examples, 22. Supplement to: Czech H, Hildebrandt S, Reis SP, et al. The Lancet Commission on medicine, Nazism, and the Holocaust: historical evidence, implications for today, teaching for tomorrow. Lancet 2023; published online Nov 8. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01845-7.
Kruse, J. A., & Hays, D. (2023). Public Service Announcements: An Innovative Strategy for Introducing Competencies in Population Health. The Journal of nursing education, 62(11), 650–652. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20230612-07
Kruse, J. A., & Wald, H. S. (2023). Legacy of the Role of Medicine and Nursing in the Holocaust: An Educational Intervention to Support Nursing Student Professional Identity Formation and Ethical Conduct. Nursing education perspectives, 44(3), 169-171. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000996
Hays, D., Kridli, S., & Kruse, J. A. (2022). Implementation of a Standardized National HIV Curriculum in a Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program. Nurse Educator, 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001252. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1097/NNE.0000000000001252
Kruse, J. A., Collins, J. L., & Vugrin, M. (2022). Educational strategies used to improve the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of health care students and providers regarding implicit bias: An integrative review of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 4, 100073. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnsa.2022.100073
Kruse, J. A., & El-Khoury, H. (2022). A poverty simulation to enhance nursing student knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward people living in poverty. Nursing forum, 10.1111/nuf.12739. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/nuf.12739
Hays, D., & Kruse, J. A. (2022). Nursing Student and Faculty Perceptions of Just Culture. The Journal of nursing education, 61(5), 257–260. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20220303-10
Kruse, J. A., Didion, J., & Perzynski, K. (2020). Strengthening Student Nurses’ Sense of Belonging Through Attendance at a Professional Nursing Conference. AORN Journal, 112(3), 227–236. https://doi.org/10.1002/aorn.13141
Kruse, J. A., Litten, J., Kujawa, J., Chatman, N., & Didion, J. (2020). Project REACH: A multi-level, interdisciplinary approach to enhance student retention and success. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(5), 364–371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2020.02.005
Kruse, J. A., Williams, R. A., & Mood, D. (2017). Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Strength of Cultural Affiliation Scale. Cancer Nursing, 40(1), E28-E35. doi:10.1097/NCC.0000000000000346
Kruse, J. A., Hagerty, B. M., Byers, W. S., Gatien, G., & Williams, R. A. (2014). Considering a relational model for depression in Navy recruits. Military Medicine, 179(11), 1293-1300. doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-14-00116
Kruse, J. A., Williams, R. A., & Seng, J. S. (2014). Considering a Relational Model for Depression in Women with Postpartum Depression. International Journal of Childbirth, 4(3), 151-168. doi: 10.1891/2156-5287.4.3.151
Kruse, J. A., Didion, J., & Perzynski, K. (2014). Utilizing the Intercultural Development Inventory to develop intercultural competence. SpringerPlus, 3, 334, 1-8. doi: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-334
Kruse, J. A., Seng, J. S., & Kane-Low, L. (2013). Validation of alternative indicators of social support in perinatal outcomes research using quality of the partner relationship. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(7), 1562-1573. doi: 10.1111/jan.12015
PUBLICATIONS (Works in Progress)
Submitted Works:
Ehrlich, O., Kruse, J.A., Lackowski, A., & Glover, T. (2024). A Nursing Faculty Intervention for Teaching Primary Palliative Care in Baccalaureate Nursing Competency-Based Education [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Journal of Palliative Medicine.
Kruse, J., & Ehrlich, O. (2024). Comprehensive Community Assessments as an Innovative Strategy to Build Graduate Level Competency in Social Determinants of Health [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Nurse Educator.
Kruse, J., Barkell, N. P., Snyder, S., Hays, D. (2023). The Impact of Emergent Situations on Just Culture in Nursing: A Descriptive Study [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Journal of Nursing Administration.
Hays, D., & Kruse, J. A. (Guests). Oermann, M. (Editor-in-Chief & Host- Nurse Educator) (2022, October 5). Implementation of a Standardized National HIV Curriculum in a Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program. [Audio podcast episode]. In Nurse Educator.
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/nurse-educator-tips-for-teaching/id1467432231 (Apple)
Kruse, J. A. (2021, March 27). Experts Weigh In On Current Job Market Trends. Zippia. https://www.zippia.com/nursing-faculty-jobs/trends/
- Kruse, J. A. (October, 2024). Project ASPIRE: A Multi-Level, Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Improving the Diversity of the Nursing Workforce. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
- Hays, D., & Kruse, J. A. (March, 2023). Nursing Student and Faculty Perceptions of Just Culture. Oral presentation at the National League for Nursing- Nursing Education Research Conference, Washington, DC.
- Hays, D., & Kruse, J. A. (March, 2023). Implementation of a Standardized National HIV Curriculum in a Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program. Oral presentation at the National League for Nursing- Nursing Education Research Conference, Washington, DC.
- Grobbel, C., Poly-Droulard, L., Thomas, A., Cameron, P…Kruse, J. (March, 2023). Using Holistic Admission to Redesign the Nursing Workforce. Oral presentation at the National League for Nursing- Nursing Education Research Conference, Washington, DC.
- Hays, D., & Kruse, J. A. (September, 2022). Implementation of a Standardized National HIV Curriculum in a Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program. Oral recorded presentation for Nurse Educator journal. https://journals.lww.com/nurseeducatoronline/Pages/videogallery.aspx?autoPlay=false&videoId=278
- Kruse, J.A., & Collins, J. (October, 2021). Educational methodologies that reduce implicit bias in health care providers: An integrative review of the literature. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Denver, CO.
- Kruse, J. A., Litten, J., Kujawa, J., & Chatman, N. (November, 2020). Project REACH: A Multi-Level, Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Improving the Diversity of the Nursing Workforce. Oral presentation at the Transcultural Nursing Society Conference, virtual conference.
- Sanchez-Birkhead, A., Sokolowich, J., Kruse, J. A., Ware, K., Montoya, C., Abboud, S., & DeWitty, V. (2019). AACN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Group- Cultural Competency Revisions Special Presentation. Recorded AACN Oral Presentation Webinar.
- Kruse, J. A., Litten, J., Kujawa, J., & Chatman, N. (November, 2017). Project REACH: A Multi-Level, Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Improving the Diversity of the Nursing Workforce. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Kruse, J. A., Williams, R. A., Mood, D. (October, 2017). Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Strength of Cultural Affiliation Scale for Population Health Applications. Oral presentation at the Transcultural Nursing Society Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Kruse, J. A., Litten, J., Kujawa, J., & Chatman, N. (October, 2017). Reaching New Heights with Project REACH: A Multi-Level, Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Improving Student Outcomes. Oral presentation at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Conference, Calgary, Canada.
- Kruse, J. A., Williams, R. A., Mood, D. (November, 2015). Exploratory factor analysis of the strength of cultural affiliation scale for public health applications. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Kruse, J. A., Didion, J., & Perzynski, K., Jaso, A., & Wade-Murdock, D. (November, 2013). A Social Determinants Framework to Promote Student Success and Diversify the Public Health Workforce. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Boston, MA.
- Kruse, J. A., Didion, J., & Perzynski, K. (June, 2013). Utilizing the Intercultural Development Inventory® to Develop Intercultural Competence. Oral presentation at the International Academy for Intercultural Research Conference, Reno, Nevada.
- Kruse, J. A., Didion, J., & Perzynski, K. (November, 2012). Entangled in the web of causation: Unraveling the web to diversify the nursing workforce. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, San Francisco, California.
- Jaso, A. M., Kruse, J. A., Miller, J., Myers, K., Rice, M., & Wade-Murdock, D. (August, 2012). Voyages: Discover the Nurse Within HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity project. Poster presentation for the Nursing Workforce Diversity Invitational Summit-“Nursing in 3D: Workforce Diversity, Health Disparities, and Social Determinants of Health” Bethesda, Maryland.
- Kruse, J. A., Didion, J., & Jaso, A. (August, 2012). A Multi-Method Multi-discipline Approach to Enhance Student Engagement. Oral presentation for the SHARE Conference-Lourdes University, Sylvania, OH.
- Kruse, J. A., & Perzynski, K. (April, 2012). Social Support & Sense of Belonging: Pathways to Nursing Retention. Oral presentation for the Midwest Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, Dearborn, MI.
- Didion, J., Kruse, J. A., Perzynski, K., French, M., & Kujawa, J. (April, 2012). Multidiscipline Collaboration to Support Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds. Oral presentation at the Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Jaso, A., Wade-Murdock, D., Kruse, J. A., Myers, K., & Perzynski, K. (2011, October). Diverse nursing workforce: Unveiling messages of inequality. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Washington, DC.
- Kruse, J. A., Perzynski, K., Jaso, A., & Kozy, M. (2011, April). LPN to BSN education: Does it work? Poster Presentation for the Ohio League for Nursing Education Summit, Columbus, Ohio.
- Kruse, J. A., Perzynski, K., Kozy, M. and Didion, J. (2011, March). Positive Impact on Student Professionalism. Poster Presentation for the 58th Annual Congress for the American Association of Operating Room Nurses (AORN), Philadelphia, PA.
- Kruse, J. A., & Perzynski, K. (2010, April). Professional collaboration: Designing social support for nursing students. Oral presentation at The Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
- Kruse, J. A., & Perzynski, K. (2009, November). Electronic Application: Shattering the barriers to professional nursing mentorship. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Kruse, J. A., & Perzynski, K. (2009, October). Support for the Adult Learner: A Transitions Experience to Enhance Student Success. Oral presentation at the Adult Higher Education Alliance Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- Kruse, J. A., Perzynski, K., Cain, E., & Didion, J. (2008, October). Achieving Student Diversity: Lessons Learned. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, San Diego, California.
- Perzynski, K., Cain, E., Trosin, J., Kruse, J. A., & Schriner, C. (2007, November). Nursing Mentorship: A Simple and Powerful Strategy for Nursing Retention. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Washington DC.
- Kruse, J. A., Perzynski, K., Cain, E., & Schriner, C. (2007, October) Innovative Mentorship Designs at Varying Levels: Making a Difference for the Adult Learner. Oral presentation at the Adult Higher Education Alliance Annual Conference, Dayton, Ohio.
- Perzynski, K., Schriner, C., Cain, E., & Kruse, J. A. (2007, September). Student Diversity: A Success Story. Oral presentation at the National League for Nursing Education Summit, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Perzynski, K., Cain, E., Trosin, J., Kruse, J. A., & Schriner, C. (2007, March). Nursing Mentorship Program: A Powerful Strategy for Nursing Retention. Poster presentation at the Ohio League of Nursing Education Summit, Dayton, Ohio.
- Kruse, J. A., & Munley-Gallagher, R. (November 12, 2023). APHA Public Health Nursing: Celebrating 100 years of Promoting and Protecting the Health of Populations. Opening Session Presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Barnsteiner, J., Hays, D., & Kruse, J. A. (April 21, 2022). Building a Framework for a Fair and Just Culture in Nursing Education. Presentation at the Nursing Faculty Assembly Meeting. Oakland University. Rochester Hills, MI.
- Barnsteiner, J., Hays, D., & Kruse, J. A. (April 1, 2022). Building a Framework for a Fair and Just Culture in Nursing Education. Nursing Continuing Professional Development Presentation for our Community Partners (Beaumont, McLaren, & St. Joseph Mercy). Oakland University Zoom Virtual Event.
- Kauric-Klein, Z., Kruse, J. A., Paul, J., & Yao, L. (December, 2019). Human Breath as a Distress Indicator. Invited Presentation for Continental Automotive. Oakland University. Rochester Hills, MI.
- Kruse, J. A. (March, 2019). Analysis, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Communicating Findings. Invited Guest Lecturer for CRNA Capstone Design Course. Lourdes University. Sylvania, OH.
- Kruse, J. A. (April, 2018). Health Care Equity Symposium. Invited Diversity and Inclusion Panelist. Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. Rochester Hills, MI.
- Kruse, J. A. (December, 2017). Project REACH: A Multi-Level, Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Improving the Diversity of the Nursing Workforce. Keynote Speaker for the Sigma Theta Tau Theta Psi Chapter Induction Ceremony, Troy, MI.
- Kruse, J. A., Lievens Pilbeam, B., & Molitor, C. (2016). Our Franciscan Pilgrimage. Oral presentation. Sylvania, OH.
- Kruse, J. A. (May, 2013). A Journey to the Land Down Under: A Nursing Perspective Related to Australian Nursing Practice and Aboriginal Health. Keynote Speaker for the Sigma Theta Tau Zeta Theta at Large Chapter Annual Business Meeting, Sylvania, OH.
- Kruse, J. A. (2012, December). Professional Presentations. Oral presentation for the Lourdes College MSN program, Sylvania, Ohio.
- Kruse, J. A. (2012, November). Considering a Relational Model for Depression in Postpartum Women. Oral presentation for University of Michigan PhD students, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Kruse, J. A. (2012, November). Thailand and Australia: Unique international experiences in public health nursing. Oral presentation at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Kruse, J. A. (2011, December). Professional Presentations. Oral presentation for the Lourdes College MSN program, Sylvania, Ohio.
- Kruse, J. A. (2011, May). Professional Presentations. Oral presentation for the Lourdes College MSN program, Sylvania, Ohio.
- Kruse, J. A. (2011, March). Thailand and Australia: Unique international experiences in public health nursing. Oral presentation at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Kruse, J. A. (2010, February). Thailand and Australia: Unique international experiences in public health nursing. Oral presentation at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
- Kruse, J. A., & Perzynski, K. (2009, January). Friends in Nursing- Mentoring Student Nurses. Oral presentation at the Lourdes College CE event, Sylvania, Ohio.
- Kruse, J. A., & Perzynski, K. (2008, January). Friends in Nursing- Mentoring Student Nurses. Oral presentation at the Lourdes College CE event, Sylvania, Ohio.
- Kruse, J. A., & Perzynski, K. (2007, October). Friends in Nursing- Mentoring Student Nurses. Oral presentation at the Lourdes College CE event, Sylvania, Ohio.
- Kruse, J. A. (2007, April). An Epidemiological Perspective. Oral presentation for the Lourdes College MSN program, Sylvania, Ohio.
- Kruse, J. A. (2006, April). An Australian Journey. Oral presentation at Lourdes College, Sylvania, Ohio.
- Kruse, J. A. (2006, February). An Australian Journey. Oral presentation at The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Kruse, J. A., & Kelly, P. (September, 2005). Advanced Practice Nursing- An American Perspective. Oral presentation at Townsville Hospital, Townsville, Australia.
GRANTS: J. Kruse, Principal Investigator
- HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity Grant Program: (Funded, July 2021) for $2,195,252. Grant #D1942040.
- COVID-19 Vaccine Patient Education: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy. (Funding Denied March 2021) for $75,000.
- Oakland Community Foundation Grant- Oakland University: Tackling the Mental Health Crisis through Mental Health First Aid. (Funding Denied, 1/22/19) for $9,182.
- Oakland Community Foundation Grant- Oakland University: The Strength of Cultural Affiliation Scale. (Funding Denied, 1/22/19) for $3,000.
- HRSA Advanced Nursing Education Workforce Program: (Approved but not funded July 2019) for $2,770,015. Grant #12769512.
- Women and Philanthropy Grant- Oakland University: (Finalist; Funding Denied December 2018) for $4,986.30.
- HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity Grant Program: (Funded July 2017) for $1,876,443. Grant # 12286756.
- Lourdes University Faculty Scholarship Fellowship: (Funded January 2016) for $3,000.
- HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity Grant Program: (Funded July 2015) for $648,294. Grant #D19HP28486.
- Sigma Theta Tau Grant Zeta Theta Chapter Alice-Manion Research Grant Award: (Funded May 2015) for $1,000.
- Lourdes University Faculty Scholarship Fellowship: (Funded May 2014) for $3,000.
- HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity Grant Program: (Approved but not funded- July 2014) for $999,644.00.
- HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity Grant Program: (Approved but not funded- July 2013) for $1,048,586.00.
- HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity Grant Program: (Funded- July 2010-June 2013) for $1,519,148.
- National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Research Service Award (NRSA): (Funding denied- August 2010) for $95,553.
GRANTS: J. Kruse, Co-Investigator
- Community-Focused Curriculum Promoting Healthy Eating and Positive Mental Health in Pontiac, Michigan: A Pilot Project: (Funded September 2024) for $8,250, National Association of Hispanic Nurses- Fuel2Flourish Award.
- Oberhauser SON Faculty Grant Award- Student Wellness and Resiliency Educational Modules to Meet the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Competency Standard Related to the Promotion of Positive Student Self-Care: (Funded November 2023) for $9,900, Oakland University.
- Oberhauser SON Faculty Grant Award- An Educational Simulation to Meet the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Competency Needs Related to Just Culture in Nursing Education: (Funded January 2023) for $7,200, Oakland University.
- Oberhauser SON Faculty Grant Award- Competency-Based Education for Improved Student Learning Outcomes: (Funded January 2023) for $9,900, Oakland University.
- Oberhauser SON Faculty Grant Award- Assisting Pre-licensure Nursing Faculty in Meeting Competency-Based Education Requirements for the AACN New Essentials: (Funded January 2023) for $9,600, Oakland University.
- Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion School of Nursing Research Grant: Innovative use of a simulated-based gaming experience to help students explore implicit bias in healthcare decisions as a safety concern: (Funded August 2022) for $14,775, Texas Tech.
- Oberhauser SON Faculty Grant Award: (Funded January 2022) for $6,600, Oakland University.
- Human Breath as a Health and Wellness Indicator Grant Award: (Funded September 2019) for $10,000, Continental Corporation.
- Service-Linked Education Partnership: Expanding MSN Enrollment and Enhancing Evidence Based Practice: (Funded 2009-2011) for $193,265, Ohio Board of Nurse Education Grant Program.
- Advanced Education in Nursing Traineeship Grant: (Funded 2010-2013) for $1,300,000, HRSA.
- Career Ladders for LPN and CNA to BSN: (Funded July 2007- June 2010) for $950,000 over three years, HRSA.
GRANTS: Research Grants- Student Primary Investigator
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Student Award: (Submitted January 2023) for $2,923.40, Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Professional Affiliations:
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Network
- American Public Health Association- Public Health Nursing Section- Chair
- National League for Nursing
- Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing
- Transcultural Nursing Society
- QSEN Academic Task Force
School of Nursing
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733
[email protected]
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.