Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Kresge Library, Room 430
100 Library Drive
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-2751
[email protected]

A group photo of Oakland University faculty standing outside of a large brick building.

New Faculty

Welcome to Oakland University! Whether you are a tenure-track professor contributing your teaching, research and service or a part-time lecturer teaching a night class, we are privileged to have you join our community.

Meet OU's Newest FacultyMeet With Us

Join us for New Faculty Orientation on August 20 and 21, 2024 at OU’s main campus. Our goal is to help you get to know the OU community, understand what it means to be faculty here, complete key tasks for the semester and make new connections with faculty and staff. We look forward to providing you with a warm and welcoming first experience at Oakland University. For more information, such as registration, schedule and resources, check the tabs below.

Orientation Registration

Orientation Schedule

New Faculty Orientation: August 20 and 21, Oakland Center

Please see below the schedule highlights for the two-day orientation. For a more comprehensive schedule of events, please click the titles below to view the full schedule.

Day 1: Becoming a Part of the OU Community (All New Faculty)
Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm | Gold Rooms BC, Oakland Center

  • Moodle and Online Learning Support
  • Getting to Know OU
  • Speed Dating with OU Offices

Day 2: Growing in Your Profession at OU (Full-Time New Faculty)
Wednesday, August 21, 2023, 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Gold Rooms B & C, Oakland Center

  • Planning Ahead for Tenure & Promotion
  • Career Progression Panel
  • Introduction to Research at OU
Steps to Start the Semester Strong

Complete onboarding process with your hiring academic department.

Once you complete this process and meet with HR to submit your I9 form, you’ll receive your NetID and password (it can take up to 48 hours), which you will need to access your OU email, course pages, and more. For more on hiring documents and policies, see HR's New Faculty Resources page. 

Prepare your syllabus.

In our Syllabus Starter Guide you’ll gather OU syllabus resources, do some initial tinkering, and further develop your syllabi.

Begin building your Moodle course page. (Or at least learn about Moodle!)

OU uses Moodle as its learning management system, and all courses automatically receive a page. In our Moodle Starter Guide, you’ll be introduced to the basics and given a practice space.

If you have questions related to these steps, reach out to us at the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning ([email protected] or in-person/virtual meeting) or to the office related to each step.

Full-Year Orientation

Orientation continues after our August event with the Teaching Toolbox Series

The Teaching Toolbox series focuses on foundational teaching practices, essential for newer instructors but great for all faculty new to OU. Topics will include active learning, motivation, implicit bias, assessment, and metacognition. We’ll add these monthly events to your OU Google Calendar. Facilitated by CETL’s Sarah Hosch and Christina Moore, unless otherwise noted.

Winter 2024 Events

Fall 2023 Events


The Faculty Handbook provides an overview of resources and people on campus to help you with work logistics, teaching, research, and overall career progression. 

CETL Library: New Faculty Book List

CETL hosts a library for faculty to check out at their leisure. It has hundreds of books related to many topics relevant to faculty, including these books written specifically for new faculty. View the book list.