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Sanctions and Remedies

If a student or a student organization is found to be responsible for, or accepts responsibility for, Academic or Non-Academic misconduct, the following disciplinary actions, or sanctions, may be imposed singly or in combination. The sanction(s) imposed will be commensurate with the offending conduct and may take into account the student’s educational record and any previous conduct record. Additionally, sanctions may prevent the student from representing OU in extracurricular activities. 

  • Reprimand. A written reprimand that expresses OU’s dissatisfaction with the conduct and clarifies expected behavior in the future.

  • Probation. Written notification that any further violations within the probationary period shall result in more severe disciplinary action. The probationary period will be for a specific period of time or until the completion of any specified requirements or conditions that are part of the probation.

  • Deferred Suspension. The student remains enrolled; however, any subsequent violation of the SCC, OU Policies and/or Applicable Law during the period of deferred suspension will, after a determination of responsibility, result in suspension in addition to any sanctions for the subsequent violation.

  • Suspension. Removal of a student from OU or suspension of an organization for a specified period of time. Suspensions can be effective immediately or begin at a time to be determined by the committee or the individual conducting the administrative hearing. For academic conduct suspensions, the charging instructor will determine the final course grade. Credits from courses completed at another college during the period of suspension will not be accepted according to OU Policies.

  • Persona Non Grata. Restriction of a student’s access to designated areas of OU property or the entire OU campus. All PNG’s are issued at the discretion of the Dean of Students office, OUPD and/or OU’s Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel. All persons declared PNG will receive written notification informing them of their status in person, via email, or via US Mail; however, OU is not responsible for a student’s refusal to accept the PNG notice. In addition, a student will receive a “PNG Hold” status on his or her student account.

    A student can be declared PNG: (i) on an interim basis pending a student conduct, academic conduct, or other administrative hearing; (ii) as a sanction resulting from any such hearings; (iii) if OU determines that their presence in a designated area or OU’s property or on OU’s campus is required to protect the safety and well-being of OU’s students, faculty, staff or property; or (iv) for any reason in accordance with OU Policy and/or Applicable Law.

    All requests by a student for removal of the PNG status must be submitted in writing to the OUPD and the Dean of Students.

  • Expulsion/Dissolution: Removal of a student permanently from OU or permanent dissolution of a student organization.

  • Developmental Sanctions: Educational sanctions designed to develop student behavior.

  • Fines/fees/Restitution: Fines, fees and/or restitution.

  • Revocation of Degree: Revocation of a degree previously awarded by OU.

  • Withholding Degree: Withholding of a degree by OU.

  • Other Sanctions: Other sanctions determined by the Dean of Students, Director of the Center for Student Activities and Leadership and/or the applicable conduct committee to be appropriate under the circumstances.
Additional Remedial Measures

The conduct committee or the individual conducting the administrative hearing may also recommend or impose other remedial measures that they deem appropriate under the circumstances to, among other things, aid in the prevention of any reoccurrence of misconduct. Remedies are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the University's education programs or activities and to aid in the prevention of any reoccurrence of misconduct.

Notification of Findings

In both Academic and Non-Academic conduct cases, the Dean of Students will notify the responding party in writing of the committee’s decision (i.e., not responsible or responsible) and any sanctions. The committee’s decision and the sanctions will be final unless a timely appeal is initiated as provided below. The sanction may be immediately implemented even if an appeal is timely submitted. OU reserves the right to notify the reporting party of the outcome.

In cases involving sexual misconduct the reporting party and responding party will receive written notice of the outcome of the case concurrently. The notification process differs in such cases as the reporting party will be informed: (a) as to whether or not the hearing process found that the alleged conduct occurred, (b) any individual remedies offered or provided to the reporting party or any sanctions imposed on the student found responsible that directly relate to them; (c) other steps the University will take to eliminate the hostile environment, if one is found to exist, and to prevent reoccurrence; and (d) in cases of sexual violence only, OU’s final determination and any disciplinary sanctions imposed on the student found responsible not just those sanctions that are directly related to the them. The responding party will not be notified of the individual remedies offered or provided to the reporting party.

Expelled/Suspended Tuition Refund Policy

When a student is expelled or suspended, the date of the disciplinary violation will be used to determine whether the student is entitled to a tuition refund according to OU Policies.

Additionally, any OU Housing room and board charges will be prorated based on the student's room checkout date.

Office of the Dean of Students

Oakland Center, Suite 150
312 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3352

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.