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Criminal Justice Internship

The internship experience (CRJ 4950) is an integral part of utilizing classroom knowledge out in the field.  Students are able to apply their skills, knowledge, and research experiences to their internship as well as continue their education outside the classroom. While working in the community, students learn by communicating with an array of populations, including: children, adults, families, victims, and criminals. In addition, the criminal justice internship prepares students for their future career by exposing them to diverse populations, obstacles, critical thinking, and problem solving techniques.  While placed in an internship and enrolled in the classroom component, CRJ 4950, students have an opportunity to experience efficient training and learn transferable skills to shape and prepare them for their future.

Please see the requirements and steps below to learn more about CRJ 4950.

For ALL students: below are the prerequisite(s) and internship application deadlines for CRJ-4950:

  • Prerequisite(s)
    • Completion of CRJ 1100, CRJ 2100, CRJ CORE courses and approval of the Director of Field Services and Student Support

  • Internship application deadlines are as follows:
    • February 1 of the current year for summer internship
    • June 1 of the current year for fall internship
    • October 1 of the previous year for winter internship
  • Students must submit an application, interview with the Director of Field Services and Student Support, and submit all necessary documents by the deadline date before they are considered to be eligible for an internship and enrollment in CRJ 4950.
  • Students are to understand that a minimum of 16 hours a week at the internship site is required. The classroom component of CRJ 4950 is taken simultaneously as placement.
  • CRJ 4950 is taken your second to last semester at Oakland University.
  • Please see the Criminal Justice Internship Manual for more information.

Please contact Kimberly Byrd by deadline date for a mandatory prescreen interview.

Mandatory prescreen interview deadlines are as follows:

  • February 1 of the current year for summer internship
  • June 1 of the current year for fall internship
  • October 1 of the previous year for winter internship

The prescreen interview is required in order to assess eligibility to enroll in CRJ 4950 and are in good academic standing.

What do you need to do in order to prepare for your prescreen interview?

  • Please email your most current resume prior to your prescreen interview to Kimberly Byrd
  • If you are looking for a resource regarding resume structure and content please visit the Career Services “Build a Resume” tab

Once you have completed the prescreen interview, please complete the required CRJ 4950 application.

After you have successfully completed your internship application please allow four weeks for your application to be reviewed. You will be contacted via email once it is reviewed with further instructions. Students are responsible for checking their email daily during the placement process.

Please be aware that no specific agencies are guaranteed. The Director of Field will attempt to best align your interests with potential internship sites; however, there is a possibility that your internship placement may not be in the exact type of agency desired.

You will receive an email that contains information regarding your placement interview. Please review carefully. It will include:

  • Who to contact to schedule date/time of interview
  • What to bring with you to the interview
  • What information you should research prior to the interview

Please read the tips below for a successful interview:

  • Research the company or organization before hand
    • What is the history or background of the place you are interviewing at?
    • What is the position of the person you are interviewing with?
    • What services do they offer?
    • What population do they serve?
  • Arrive 20 minutes earlier than your designated interview time
  • Please read the Career Services tab in order to receive help on how to dress professionally
  • Ask questions
    • It is important to have a list of questions prior to your interview. This shows the interviewee that you have done your homework and are interested in the position.
    • Have at least 3-4 questions prepared about the population served, services offered, expectations of intern, etc.

Keep in mind that internships will conduct a background check, including fingerprinting and drug testing.

Congratulations on being accepted for placement and registering for the CRJ 4950 internship course. But, now what?

Please complete the following steps:

  1. Once you are selected by an agency for placement contact Kimberly Byrd.
  2. If you are offered an internship be sure to cancel all other pending interviews. The CRJ 4950/Internship policy states that students are required to accept the first placement offered to them, cancelling all other scheduled interviews.
  3. Follow up with your field supervisor to confirm a start date, schedule, expectations, and required documents.
  4. Be sure to complete any paperwork that is required by the field supervisor of your internship ASAP, as well as the forms below that are required for CRJ 4950.
  5. Return completed forms to the Director of Field Services and Student Support

Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work & Criminal Justice

Varner Hall Room 510A
371 Varner Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2420
fax: (248) 370-4608

Social Work
Varner, Room 513
371 Varner Dr.
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2371
[email protected]