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Rose Cooper

Headshot - Rose Cooper

Associate Professor of Communication
Office: 329 Wilson Hall
Phone: (248) 370-4127
Email: [email protected]

A communication generalist and practitioner, Professor Rose M. Cooper has an academic foundation in education and communication. Initially, the reading specialist in the Department of Rhetoric, Cooper directed the Reading Center and taught all of the courses offered by the department, concentrating on critical reading, composition and study skills. After earning a doctoral degree in communication, rhetoric and public address, she began teaching communication courses in the newly formed Department of Rhetoric, Communication and Journalism. For a decade, she served as director of rhetoric/communication courses for Oakland University’s Summer Support Program, for which she created a comprehensive public speaking, composition and critical reading course, “Communication Skills.” With an interest in applied communication, Cooper works on projects promoting education and the well being of the individual. Of note is her work as a communication specialist for a project surveying African-American education in the United States. Additionally, she produced segments for the weekly talk show, “Speak Out,” winning the prestigious Award for Cable Excellence (ACE) for one of her productions. Her work has included editing books, reviewing manuscripts and coaching speakers. Presently, she focuses on public address and frequently lectures on topics concerning spirituality, communication and education.

Department of Communication, Journalism, and Public Relations

Wilson Hall, Room 316
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)
(248) 370-4120

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