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Graduate Student Services

The OUWC isn't just for undergraduates. Graduate students and their supervisors occupy a writing-rich environment, one in which they must write on demand. Our staff includes university faculty and graduate students who can offer assistance as you:

  • Draft or revise a manuscript for publication
  • Craft an assignment
  • Report your statistical findings
  • Compose a thesis or dissertation
  • Assemble a teaching portfolio
  • Construct a personal statement
  • Revise a curriculum vitae
  • Generate a proposal or mission statement
  • Prepare a syllabus, scaffold assignments, and offer feedback to student submissions

For specific information about how to schedule and other resources for graduate students and faculty, see This Semester in the Writing Center for Graduate Students. To schedule an appointment, make referral, or request an in-class seminar or consultation, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

Graduate Specific Programming

Sit Down and Write!

Sit Down and Write! Sit Down and Write! (SDW!) sessions are designed as mini-writing retreats for those of you who are composing high-stakes documents, (e.g., proposals, practicums, grant proposals, theses, dissertations, and peer-reviewed publications). This is an accountability program to provide a distraction-free environment for composing in the company of like-tasked graduate students. Note: These are NOT instructional sessions; these are productivity sessions.

  • Saturday, September 30, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., 212 Kresge Library (lunch included)
  • Saturday, November 11, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., 212 Kresge Library (lunch included)

SDW! Is limited to 10 participants: first come, first served. While the sessions are free, you will be billed for lunch if you do not attend and you will forgo an opportunity to attend future sessions. To register for one or both of these sessions, see Fall 2023 SDW! Registration.

Dissertation 101

If you need more than accountability, such as support for specific tasks like  publishing during graduate school, drafting your IRB, composing a grant proposal, representing the results of your statistical analyses, avoiding plagiarism or copyright infringement, and/or storing your data to protect its integrity and your participants' privacy, you should join us (F2F or online) for one of more of our workshops. If you have an idea for a workshop, please email [email protected].

  • Ready, Set, Defend! Q & A. Thursday September, 28 2023, 12:00-1:00 p.m. EST (Zoom). Co-hosted by the OUWC and the Graduate School. This discussion with the Graduate School’s Dr. Steven Meyer and the Writing Center will address questions you might have about defending and submitting your thesis or dissertation. 
  • Documenting, Organizing, and Storing Your Research Data. Thursday, October 26, 6:00-8:00 p.m. EST (Zoom). Back by popular demand, this informative session with research librarian Jim Van Loon will cover basics, tips, and best practices for documenting, organizing, and storing critical data.
  • Figures, Tables, and Data Literacy. Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (Zoom). Co-hosted with Dr. Kanako Taku, Psychology Department. From the perspective of data literacy, this workshop will explore best practices for using tables and figures in graduate work, as well as how to format them in accordance with the APA 7 style guide.

The Writing Center

Joan Rosen Writing Studio
212 Kresge Library
100 Library Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-4479
(location map)
(248) 370-3120

Fall 2024 Schedule
Monday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Tuesday, 9AM - 5PM and 6PM - 10 PM; Wednesday, 9 AM - 5PM and 6 PM - 10 PM; Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM; Friday, 10 AM - 2 PM; and Sunday, 4 PM - 10 PM, all by appointment.