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Dho Yee Chung

Assistant Professor of Graphic Design
Office: 106 West Wilson Hall    
Phone: (248) 370-3607
E-mail:  dhoyeechung@oakland.edu

MFA in Graphic Design, Yale University, New Haven, 2019
BFA in Packaging Branding Design, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, 2013

Courses Taught
Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Oakland University, MI, 2021-Present
• DES 4999 Senior Thesis
• DES 3900 Design Thinking in UI/UX
• DES 3340 Web Design I
• DES 3360 Motion Graphics

Adjunct Assistant Professor in Graphic Design, St. John's University, NY, 2019-2021
• ART4120 Senior Design
• ART2125 Typography
• ART1110 Foundation Design

Teaching Assistant, Yale School of Art, CT, 2018-2019

• First Year Studio: Core I (Graduate Course)
• Graphic Design Methodologies (Undergraduate Course)

Professional Experience
• Co-founder, TopLeft LLC, 2022 – Present
• Art Director, di Nigo Consulting, 2015 – 2022
• Senior Graphic Designer, Zago LLC, 2014 – 2015
• Design Intern, Pentagram Design, 2013 – 2014

Exhibitions and Screenings
• HASTAC 2023: “Critical Making and Social Justice”, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY, May 2023 (Forthcoming)
• Faculty Exhibition “Outside Work”, Oakland University Art Gallery, MI, January-April 2023
• International Exhibition "I", Czong Institute for Contemporary Art, South Korea, April 2022
• Graphic Design MFA Thesis Show, Green Hall Gallery, Yale School of Art, May 2019
• Hot STEAM II: A Science/Video/Art Film Screening, MIT Museum, April 2019
• UCLA International Biennial “We, Activeast”, New Wight Gallery, UCLA, September 2018
• The 1st Year Show, Green Hall Gallery, Yale School of Art, September 2017

Fellowship & Grant
• HASTAC 2023: Creative Futures, Project Development Group, December 2022–May 2023.
• URC Research Grant, Oakland University, MI, February 2023, $2,000.
• Design Writing Fellowship, Writing Space Design Fellowship, June 2022.
• Visual Essay Fellowship, American Institute of Graphic Arts: Design Educators Community Writing
Fellowship, 2022-2023.
• Yale Tsai Center for Innovative Thinking Summer Fellowship, Semi-Finalist, April 2019.
• The Alice Kimball English Traveling Fellowship, Yale University, May 2018, $5,000.

Conference & Symposia
• “Learning Through Design Thinking” Oakland University Teaching & Learning Symposium, May 2023
(Forthcoming), Invited.
• “The Digitalization of the Creative Market: Design Practice in Platform Economy,” (IN)TANGIBLE
HERITAGE(S): A conference on art, design, culture and technology, Architecture Media Politics
Society, University of Kent, U.K., June 2022. Peer-reviewed.
• “The Digitalization of the Creative Market,” CICA New Media Art Conference 2022, Czong Institute for
Contemporary Art, South Korea, June 2022.
• “A Prototype of Desiring Being: Exploring Media, Culture, and Technology through Mask and Surface,”
Women & Masks: An Arts-Based Research Conference, Boston University, Boston, MA. September

Book Chapters, Conference Proceedings, and Articles
• “Room Series I” Visual Essay, New Media Art 2023, South Korea. Invited.
• “The digitalization of the creative market: design practice in the platform economy.” Conference
Proceeding, ArchitectureMPS Journal, U.K.(December 2022) Peer-reviewed.
• “Chee Tea.” Art of Package and Structure, China (2014): 6–7. Invited.
• “The Volatile Bodies.” Body of Work: Yale School of Art MFA 2019, New Haven, CT (2020): 153–156.
• “Point Zero.” Yale Palimpsest, Volume IX: TRANS [ ], New Haven, CT (2019): 37 and 40. Invited.
(2013): 42. Referred.

Oakland University Art, Art History and Design

310 West Wilson Hall
Rochester, MI 48309
(location map)
phone: (248) 370-3375
fax: (248) 370-3377