Studying German provides a multitude of diverse career opportunities in the United States and internationally. Michigan alone houses over 200 German companies in which students are able to utilize their acquired German skills and establish exciting careers. Beyond the corporate world, German is the second most commonly used scientific language. It provides a deeper insight into a region that plays an ever-vital role in central Europe’s intellectual and economic life, as well as its cultural history. Oakland University’s German program enables students to study the German language in a communicative teaching style with zero to low-cost materials. Beyond the language classes, we offer a variety of German courses ranging from Business German to postwar German film, great works of German literature throughout the centuries, and popular culture.
In addition, OU’s German program offers two study abroad programs, competitive scholarships and stipends, a German club, and a weekly German conversation hour.
Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP)
German B.A. K-12
Students must complete the requirements for a B.A. degree as well as a sequence of undergraduate course work in education, including:
- SED 300 - Introduction to Secondary Education (4)
- IST 397 - Integrated Technology in Secondary Curricula (4)
- RDG 338 - Teaching Reading in the Content Area (4)
- FE 406 - Educational Psychology for K-12 Educators
- EED 420 - Managing the Classroom Community for U.S. Diverse Learners (4)
- SED 427 - Methods of Teaching Secondary Students (4)
- SE 401 - Introduction to Students with Special Needs (4)
Also required:
- EED 428 - Foreign Language Teaching Methods in Elementary and Middle School (3)
- SED 428 - Teaching of the Major Field (4)
- SED 455 - Internship in Secondary Education (12)
Secondary Teaching Minor in German (STEP)
Students must complete a minimum of 20 credits at the 300-400 level including:
- GRM 3140 - Advanced German Grammar, Texts and Contexts (4)
- GRM 3160 - German Conversation (2)
- GRM 3180 - German Composition (2)
- GRM 3710 - Introduction to the Study of German Literature (4)
- GRM 4400 - German Culture II (4)
- plus 4 credits elective at 3000-4000 level
German Language and Literature, B.A.
Students must complete a minimum of 36 credits at the 3000-4000 levels in language, culture and literature, including:
- GRM 3140 - Advanced German Grammar, Texts and Contexts (4)
- GRM 3160 - German Conversation (2)
- GRM 3180 - German Composition (2)
- GRM 3710 - Introduction to the Study of German Literature (4)
- GRM 3810 - Great Works in German Literature (4)
- Two 3000 and/or 4000 level elective courses (4 credits each)
- GRM 4080 - Advanced German Conversation (4)
- Two 4000-level literature courses (4 credits each)
and two corequisite courses:
- GRM 4400 - German Culture II (4)
- LIT 1810 - European Literature I (4) or LIT 1820 - European Literature II (4)
German with a Concentration in German Studies, Modified B.A.
Students must complete a minimum of 24 credits in German beyond the second year and 24 credits in corequisite courses.
- GRM 3140 - Advanced German Grammar, Texts and Contexts (4)
- GRM 3160 - German Conversation (2)
- GRM 3180 - German Composition (2)
- GRM 3400 - German Culture I (4)
- GRM 3550 - Translation: German (4)
- GRM 3710 - Introduction to the Study of German Literature (4) or GRM 3810 - Great Works in German Literature (4)
- GRM 4080 - Advanced German Conversation (4)
- GRM 4400 - German Culture II (4)
Required corequisites:
- AH 3630 - German Art (4)
- LIT 1810 - European Literature I (4) or LIT 182 - European Literature II (4)
- MUS 1000 - An Introduction to Music (4)
- PS 3010 - Western Political Thought II (4)
and two from the following:
- AH 3320 - Renaissance Art in Northern Europe (4)
- HST 3345 - The Reformation (4)
- HST 3400 - Europe since 1914 (4)
- HST 3480 - Germany since 1740 (4)
Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP)
German B.A. K-12
Students must complete the requirements for a German Language and Literature, B.A. degree as well as a sequence of undergraduate course work in education, including:
- SED 300 - Introduction to Secondary Education (4)
- IST 397 - Integrated Technology in Secondary Curricula (4)
- RDG 338 - Teaching Reading in the Content Area (4)
- FE 406 - Educational Psychology for K-12 Educators
- EED 420 - Managing the Classroom Community for U.S. Diverse Learners (4)
- SED 427 - Methods of Teaching Secondary Students (4)
- SE 401 - Introduction to Students with Special Needs (4)
Also required:
- EED 428 - Foreign Language Teaching Methods in Elementary and Middle School (3)
- SED 428 - Teaching of the Major Field (4)
- SED 455 - Internship in Secondary Education (12)
Elementary Education German Teaching Major
Students must complete 32 credits at the 3000-4000 level including:
- GRM 3140 - Advanced German Grammar, Texts and Contexts (4)
- GRM 3160 - German Conversation (2)
- GRM 3180 - German Composition (2)
- GRM 3710 - Introduction to the Study of German Literature (4)
- GRM 3810 - Great Works in German Literature (4)
- GRM 4400 - German Culture II (4)
- plus 12 credits elective at the 3000-4000 level
Also required:
- EED 428 - Foreign Language Teaching Methods in Elementary and Middle School (4)
Additional Major in German (with another major at Oakland University)
Additional majors are available in German for students with another major at Oakland University. The requirement is a minimum of 24 credits at the 3000-4000 level. At least 16 credits of those required for the additional liberal arts major in a modern language must be taken at Oakland University.
Admission to major standing
To be eligible for a major in one or more foreign languages, a student must be admitted to major standing by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. Normally, a student should apply for major standing at the department office after having attained 56 credits and no later than three semesters before graduation. A student planning to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree will be admitted to major standing after completion of 8 credits of language or literature at the 3000 level with a minimum grade point average of 2.80.
German Language
Students must complete a minimum of 20 credits in German beyond the 1150 level including
- GRM 3140 - Advanced German Grammar, Texts and Contexts (4)
- GRM 3160 - German Conversation (2)
- GRM 3180 - German Composition (2)
and one of the following:
- GRM 3400 - German Culture I (4)
- GRM 3550 - Translation: German (4)
- GRM 4080 - Advanced German Conversation (4)
- GRM 4550 - Translation into German (4)
- GRM 4570 - Business German (4)
At least 12 credits of those required for the minor in German Language and Literature must be taken at Oakland University.
German Language and Literature
Students must complete a minimum of 20 credits in German beyond the 1150 level including:
- GRM 3710 - Introduction to the Study of German Literature (4)
- GRM 3810 - Great Works in German Literature (4)
At least 12 credits of those required for the minor in German Language and Literature must be taken at Oakland University.
German Studies
Students must complete a minimum of 24 credits in German beyond the 1150 level including:
- GRM 3140 - Advanced German Grammar, Texts and Contexts (4)
- GRM 3160 - German Conversation (2)
- GRM 3180 - German Composition (2)
- GRM 3400 - German Culture I (4) or GRM 4400 - German Culture II (4)
- GRM 4080 - Advanced German Conversation (4)
Required corequisite:
- LIT 1810 - European Literature I (4) or LIT 1820 - European Literature (4)
At least 12 credits of those required for the minor in German Studies must be taken at Oakland University.
German Studies Minor Requirements
Elementary Teaching Minor in German
Students must complete 20 credits in German at the 300-400 level including:
- GRM 3140 - Advanced German Grammar, Texts and Contexts (4)
- GRM 3160 - German Conversation (2)
- GRM 3180 - German Composition (2)
- GRM 3710 - Introduction to the Study of German Literature (4)
- GRM 4400 - German Culture II (4)
- plus 4 credits elective at 3000-4000 level
- EED 428 - Foreign Language Teaching Methods in Elementary and Middle School (4)
Secondary Teaching Minor in German (STEP)
Students must complete a minimum of 20 credits at the 3000-4000 level including:
- GRM 3140 - Advanced German Grammar, Texts and Contexts (4)
- GRM 3160 - German Conversation (2)
- GRM 3180 - German Composition (2)
- GRM 3710 - Introduction to the Study of German Literature (4)
- GRM 4400 - German Culture II (4)
- plus 4 credits elective at 3000-4000 level
The Oakland University German Club is open to everyone. Meetings are centered around the students, and no German language knowledge is needed. Past events have included discussions about German culture and current events, as well as playing German games and eating German snacks.
For students studying German, we can help with homework, give study tips and paper ideas.
For more information, please contact [email protected].
For advising, please contact:
Angineh Djavadghazaryans, Ph.D.
350 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2063
[email protected]
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, 586 Pioneer Drive 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2060
Fax: (248) 370-3170