Board of Trustees
Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
(location map)
Meeting Agenda
Oakland University
Board of Trustees Formal Session
August 2, 2024, 10:00 a.m.
Presiding: Chair Joe Jones
All participants will join using the following Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 958 8578 6626
Passcode: 989823
Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
The link will be active 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
A. Call to Order -- Chair Joe Jones
B. Roll Call -- Secretary Joshua D. Merchant
C. Consent Agenda for Consideration/Action -- Chair Joe Jones
Tab 1. Consent Agenda
Tab 2. Minutes of the Board of Trustees Formal Session of June 28, 2024
Tab 3. University Personnel Actions
Tab 4. Department of Communication and Journalism Name Change to the Department of Communication, Journalism and
Public Relations
Tab 5. Department of Sociology and Anthropology Name Change: Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and
Criminal Justice
D. Other Items for Consideration/Action that May Come Before the Board
E. Adjournment
Action. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to add or delete agendum items during any formal session and to discuss, act on, or postpone, any agendum item during any formal session.
Rules for Addressing the Board. Public comment requests should be sent to the Oakland University Secretary to the Board, Dr. Joshua D. Merchant via email at [email protected]. Requests to address the Board must be received at a minimum of 48 hours in advance of the Board Meeting. Requests must include 1) name, 2) group representing (if applicable), 3) contact information (phone number, address, and email address), 4) Oakland University relationship, 5) topic, and 6) rationale. Note: Individual comments are limited to two (2) minutes per speaker with no more than 4 speakers per topic.
Disabilities and Special Assistance. Any person with a disability requesting special assistance should contact the Office of the Board of Trustees no less than three (3) business days before the scheduled formal session for which the special assistance is being requested.
Contact Information. Contact the Board of Trustees in writing at Wilson Hall, Room 3026, 371 Wilson Blvd., Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48309, by telephone at (248) 370-3112, or by email at [email protected].
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