Board of Trustees

Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)


June 7, 2006

Oakland University
Board of Trustees Formal Meeting
June 7, 2006, 2:00 p.m.
Auditorium, Elliott Hall of Business
& Information Technology
Presiding: Penny Crissman

A.Call to Order - Chair Penny Crissman
B.Roll Call - Secretary Victor Zambardi
 Tab. 1Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Preparation Briefing - Vice President John Beaghan
- Attachment A.ppt
D.Action Items - Consent Agenda - Chair Penny Crissman
 Tab. 2Consent Agenda
  Tab. 3Approval of the Minutes of the Formal Meeting of April 5, 2006
  Tab. 4Approval of Resolution Honoring LaToya D. Hearn, Student Liaison to the Oakland University Board of Trustees
  Tab. 5Approval of University Personnel Actions
  Tab. 6Recommendation to Accept Gifts to Oakland University for the Period of March 1 through April 30, 2006 and to Accept Grants and Contracts to Oakland University for the Period of March 1 through April 30, 2006
- Grants.xls
  Tab. 7Approval of Oakland University Trustee Academic Success Fund Proposal for 2006-07
  Tab. 8Approval of Specialization in Biological Communication within the Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences
  Tab. 9Approval of Board Members for Public School Academies
  Tab. 10Approval of Addition of Kindergarten through Fifth Grades for Weston Technical Academy
  Tab. 11Approval to Proceed with the Automotive Antenna Instrumentation Project
- Materials.doc
  Tab. 12Approval of Authorization to Enter into Real Estate Lease Agreement - School of Nursing - Conner Creek Village
- Materials.doc
  Tab. 13Approval of 2006-2007 Oakland University Board of Trustees Meeting Dates
  Tab. 14Approval of Ancillary Activities Operating Budgets for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2007
- Budgets.pdf
E.Action Item
 Tab. 15Approval of Hamlin Hall Refurbishing Project - Vice President Mary Beth Snyder
F.Action Item - Approval of Ancillary Activities Operating Budgets for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2007:
 Tab. 16Lowry Early Childhood Center - Mary Otto, Dean, School of Educational and Human Services
- Lowry.pdf
 Tab. 17Oakland Center - Richard Fekel, Director
- Oakland.pdf
 Tab. 18University Housing - Eleanor Reynolds, Assistant Vice President and Director of Admissions
- Housing.pdf
G.Action Item
 Tab. 19Approval to Purchase High Performance Digital NMR Spectrometer Console - Vice President Virinder Moudgil
- Materials.doc
H.Action Item
 Tab. 20Approval of Lease and Agreement to Provide Bookstore Services - Vice President John Beaghan
- Materials.doc
I.Action Item
 Tab. 21Approval of Agreement Between Oakland University and Police Officers Labor Council July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2008 - Vice President John Beaghan
J.Action Item
 Tab. 22Approval of Agreement Between Oakland University and Police Officers Association of Michigan October 1, 2005 - September 30, 2008 - Vice President John Beaghan
K.Action Item
 Tab. 23Approval of Administrative Professional (AP) Benefit Plan Design Changes and Revisions to the Administrative Professional Manual - Vice President John Beaghan
L.Action Item
 Tab. 24Approval of Executives, Deans & Academic Administrators Benefit Plan Design Changes - Vice President John Beaghan
M.Action Item
 Tab. 25Approval of Excluded Clerical-Technical Employees Benefit Plan Design Changes - Vice President John Beaghan
N.Other Items that May Come Before the Board

NOTE: The Board of Trustees reserves the right to add or delete agendum items during any formal or informal meeting and to consider, table or act on any agenda item at any such meeting.

Any person wishing to address the Board must submit a request to the Office of the Board of Trustees, 203 Wilson Hall, prior to the meeting or to a representative of the Office of the Board of Trustees at a meeting. The request must include the person's name, address and the subject matter. Persons with disabilities who need special assistance should contact the Office of the Board of Trustees at
(248) 370-3112.