Board of Trustees

Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)


May 1, 2002

Oakland University
Board of Trustees Working Session
May 1, 2002, 2:00 p.m.
Auditorium, Elliott Hall of Business
& Information Technology
Presiding: Ann V. Nicholson

I.Student Liaisons' Report - Adam Kochenderfer / Kimberly Langley
report 1

report 2
II.Treasurer's Report - Lynne Schaefer Treasurer's Report
FY 2002 General Fund Budget Performance
Auxiliary Budget Update
Meadow Brook Theatre
Meadow Brook Health Enhancement Ins
III.Report on Purchasing Efficiencies - Lynne Schaefer / Kate Lark
Items for Board Action in June:
I.Resolutions Honoring Kimberly A. Langley and Adam L. Kochenderfer, Student Liaisons to the Oakland University Board of Trustees - Victor Zambardi
II.Oakland University Trustee Academic Success Fund Proposal for 2002-03 - Mary Beth Snyder / Gloria Sosa

Contract for Residential and Retail Food Services on Campus - Mary Beth Snyder
Food Service doc1
Food Service doc2
Food Services Att

IV.Bachelor of Science in Financial Information Systems - Virinder Moudgil
Financial doc
Financial doc1
V.Bachelor of Science in Wellness, Health Promotion, and Injury Prevention - Virinder Moudgil
Wellness doc
Attachment B
Attachment B Cover
Attachment B Table
Attachment B Abstract
Attachment B Concept
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix C-1
Appendix C-2
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix E-1
Appendices F G H
VI.Honorary Degree for William G. Milliken - Virinder Moudgil
VII.Honorary Degree for Eugene A. Miller - Virinder Moudgil

General Fund Budget and Tuition and Fee Rate Increase for FY 2003 - Lynne Schaefer / Virinder Moudgil
Budget 1
Budget 2
Budget PDF

IX.Solid Waste Disposal Contract - Lynne Schaefer
X.Major Deferred Maintenance and Repair Projects - Lynne Schaefer / Rusty Postlewate
Defered Maintenance
XI.Repairs to the Pedestrian Bridge and Lake - Lynne Schaefer / Rusty Postlewate
XII.Schematic Design and Appointment of Construction Manager for the Oakland Center Expansion - Lynne Schaefer / Rusty Postlewate
XIII.Viron Energy Services Agreement - Lynne Schaefer
XIV.Amendments to Personnel Manual to Combine All Administrative Professional and Individual Contract Employees into a Single Employee Group - Lynne Schaefer / Ron Watson
Administrative Professional
XV.2002-2003 Oakland University Board of Trustees Meeting Dates - Victor Zambardi

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend the meeting who need special assistance should call the Office of the Board of Trustees at 370-3110. NOTE: The Board of Trustees reserves the right to amend this agenda and to add or delete items. Any person wishing to address the Board must submit a request to the Office of the Board of Trustees, 203 Wilson Hall, prior to the meeting or to a representative of the Office of the Board of Trustees at the meeting. The request must include the person's name, address and the subject matter.