MarketPlace Information

North Foundation Hall, Room 120
318 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
[email protected]

Product Testing and Approval

Department Testing and Approval Process

Departments building their own products should review the following information. (Departments requesting SBS build a product for them, just fill out the MarketPlace Product Request Form which is available in the left navigation area.)

Product Build Timeline
Type of Product RequestLead Time
New Product (SBS Build)3-4 Weeks
Recurring Product (SBS Build)1-2 Weeks
The Product Approval Process for New Products
  1. MarketPlace users should build new products in the test environment.
  2. All products that are ready to go live in production must first be submitted to Student Business Services for approval. Approval is requested by filling out the MarketPlace Product Request Form available in the left navigation area.
  3. Once the product has been reviewed and all updates made, products can be built in production. (MarketPlace Production Login)
  4. Products should be built in production exactly the way they were approved in test (the product should remain disabled)
  5. When the product is complete, an e-mail should be sent to Student Business Services, the product will be checked to make sure it matches test, enabled, and the MarketPlace user will be notified by email that the product is live in production.
The Product Approval Process for Recurring Products
  1. Please complete a MarketPlace Product Request Form, selecting the option “Recurring Product”.
  2. MarketPlace users can build recurring products in the production environment.
  3. All products ready to go live in production must first be approved by a Student Business Services MarketPlace employee.
  4. Once the product has been reviewed, approved and all updates completed, products can be enabled in MarketPlace production. The product must remain disabled until finished in production.
  5. The department will notify Student Business Services by email that their product(s) is/are enabled in MarketPlace production.

No changes are allowed to products once they have gone live in production. This means departments must thoroughly test their products from beginning to end, including making a test payment. Departments must remember to review the links used in the products, to review the content on the webpages the links go to, and to run reports in MarketPlace to be sure the data the department needs is included in the product.

Fiduciary Responsibility: Oakland University does not act as a fiduciary for other organizations. Product request received attempting to use MarketPlace for this purpose will be denied.

Departmental Testing of Products before Launching in Production

It is very important that departments test their products before having them moved to the production environment to ensure that they are functioning as expected. Often times, as a user navigates through a product, issues arise. Thoroughly testing, including making test payments, is crucial to the success of a MarketPlace store.

Below are the test credit card, debit and check information used for doing test purchases in MarketPlace Test:

Credit Card:

Card Type:Account Number:
American Express (AMEX)343434343434343
MasterCard (MC)5121212121212124
Expiration Date:Any date in the future
Security Code (Visa and MC):125
Security Code (AMEX):1250

Webcheck (ACH):

Routing Number:Account Number: