Board of Trustees

Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)


March 2, 2005

Oakland University
Board of Trustees Special Formal Meeting
March 2, 2005, 2:00 p.m.
Auditorium, Elliott Hall of Business
& Information Technology
Presiding: Penny Crissman

I.Call to Order - Chair Penny Crissman
II.Roll Call - Secretary Victor Zambardi
III.Action Items
 A.Approval of Credit Union ONE Lease for Exclusive On-Campus Branch and Automated Teller Machine Locations and SpiritCard Plus Card Agreement - Mary Beth Snyder
 B.Approval of Dual-Enrolled High School Student Fee Waiver - Steve Roberts
 C.Approval of Revised Internal Audit Manual - Gary Russi / David Vartanian
Manual 2.doc
IV.Other Items that May Come Before the Board

Oakland University
Board of Trustees Working Session
March 2, 2005
Auditorium, Elliott Hall of Business
& Information Technology
Presiding: Penny Crissman

I.President's Report - President Gary Russi
II.Treasurer's Report - Steve Roberts
- Budget Performance.pdf
III.Michigan UniversitiesSelf-Insurance Corporation Activities for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004 Report - Steve Roberts / Kate Lark
- Comparison.pdf
- Comparison.xls
IV.Annual Meadow Brook Theatre Ensemble Status Report - Virinder Moudgil / David Downing / Peggy Cooke
V.Meadow Brook Hall Financial Performance July through December 2004 - Geoffrey Upward
Items for Board Action in April:
I.Appointment of Distinguished Professor - Virinder Moudgil
II.Appointment of Dean for the School of Business Administration - Virinder Moudgil
III.Alfred G. and Matilda R. Wilson Awards and Human Relations Award - Mary Beth Snyder
IV.Bachelor of Science in Information Technology - Virinder Moudgil
V.Board Members for Public School Academies - Virinder Moudgil
VI.Extension of Chartwells Food Service Contract and Renovation to Vandenberg Dining Center -- Mary Beth Snyder
VII.Marketing, Event Sales, Catering and Banquet Management Agreement for Meadow Brook Hall - Geoffrey Upward
VIII.Oakland University Membership in the Michigan Universities Coalition on Health, Inc. - Victor Zambardi / Ronald Watson

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend the meeting who need special assistance should call the Office of the Board of Trustees at 370-3112. NOTE: The Board of Trustees reserves the right to amend this agenda and to add or delete items. Any person wishing to address the Board must submit a request to the Office of the Board of Trustees, 203 Wilson Hall, prior to the meeting or to a representative of the Office of the Board of Trustees at the meeting. The request must include the person's name, address and the subject matter.