Board of Trustees

Wilson Hall, Suite 3000
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4486
(location map)


February 28, 2005

Oakland University Board of Trustees
Finance, Audit and Investment Committee
Rex Schlaybaugh, Chair 
February 28, 2005 Meeting, 9:00 a.m.
Auditorium, Elliott Hall of Business & Information Technology


I.Audit Department (Vartanian)
Internal Audit Reporting Best Practices (Tab 1)
 B.Internal Audit Department Manual (Tab 2)
 C.Michigan Universities Internal Audit Department Resource Survey (Tab 3)
 D.Follow-Up Audit Summary Fiscal Year 2001/2002 - 2003/2004 (Tab 4)
 E.Original Audit Universe Update (Tab 5)
 F.New University Wide Risk Audit (Tab 6)
Universe and Annual Audit
Plan Development Process
II.Meadow Brook Hall (Upward)
 A.New Caterer Contract (Tab 7)
 B.Budget Year for MBH (Tab 8)
III.Finance & Administration (Roberts)
 A.Treasurers Report (Tab 9)
Budget Performance
 B.Financial Performance Review Committee and Budget Review Processes (Tab 10)
IV.Budget (LeMarbe)
 A.Cross Over Report to Tie Audited Financial Statement to University General Fund Report (Tab 11)
V.Student Affairs (Snyder)
 A.Credit One Contract (Tab 12)
 B.Chartwells Contract Extension (Tab 13)
 C.Dual-Enrolled High School Student Fee Waiver (Tab 14)