Grizz Facts

Number of research doctorate degrees awarded by OU annually

The university has awarded about 65 degrees annually in recent years, mostly to white and international students

2024-5-21 GF

Research, doctorate degrees, ethnicity

icon of a calendarMay 21, 2024

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American universities awarded more research doctorates in 2021-22 compared to any time in the previous four years, based on data from the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) annual Survey of Earned Doctorates. This study gathers data about new research doctorate recipients from U.S. accredited institutions.

Oakland University awards an average of 65 research doctorates per year.

NSF defines a research doctorate as a degree with a focus on research or scholarship, such as a Ph.D. or Ed.D., but excludes professional practice degrees, such as the DNP, JD, MD and DPT.

Among the 2021-22 Research Doctorates awarded nationally, 4.6% were Black/African Americans and 5.8% were Hispanic/Latino. International students made up more than one-third (34.1%) of all research doctorates awarded in 2021-22.

For Oakland University, Black/African American students made up 11% of our awarded research doctorates and international students made up 34%.

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