Two Table Template Page Title

Sub Title

Paragraph of text. This is usually a product or course description. Not all pages need this paragraph, however it is often helpful. Following is some information that may be helpful when using this template. All pages need a title. Sub titles are optional. Date should be in the form of Thursday, May 14. The year should be included if the date is not in the current year. Time should be in the format 8:30 - 4 p.m. Use a.m. and p.m. only on the ending time if the event is less than 12 hours. Drop the colon and zeros when the time is on the hour. If the location is on campus, list a room number and building, and keep the campus map link. If the location is not on campus, list the location, and either an address or a link to a map. The additional information link should be in one of the following formats: "Visit the Oakalnd University Web site for more information" or "Contact Bob Smith at or (111)222-3333 for more information", where 'Oakland University' and '' are link text. Cost should be in the form $4,238. The decimal and zeros should be dropped when on an even dollar.

Session 1
Dates: Date 1 - Date 2
Time: Time Here
Registration Deadline: Deadline Date
Session 2
Dates: Date 3 - Date 4
Time: Time Here
Registration Deadline: Deadline Date

Location: Location Here
Cost: $cost here

Other 1: Information 1 here
Other 2: Information 2 here

Add an e-mail or Web site that will provide customers with more infomation